One Photo per Day Challenge – Best drink of the day.

TeaApart from my love of a wee glass of wine, tea is my favorite drink. Black no sugar thank you very much.

“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”

William Ewart Gladstone


11 thoughts on “One Photo per Day Challenge – Best drink of the day.

  1. I so agree! I drink tea every day, the whole day. My preference is Earl Grey, with a splash of milk. Trader Joe’s has a winter only tea with vanilla, it’s my favorite. It’s like drinking Christmas cookies. 🙂

  2. You know, if you keep posting such fantastic shots we aren’t going to believe you are a novice anymore! I too prefer my tea without any sugar or milk or anything else. I can’t drink it when it’s super hot though, I have to wait for it to cool down almost to room temperature. I’m just wierd like that.

  3. Thank you but I really do have a long way to go still. As for the tea, my mouth is immune to it now, I do drink it very hot, I can’t finish it if it is tepid, have to go and make myself another one 🙂

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